How old does my child have to be?
We have ages from Kindergarten right through to Year 12. The Leagues are Kindy/PrePrimary, Years 1 - 2, Years 3 - 4, Years 5 - 7 and Years 8 - 12.
What if my child hasn't played soccer before?
We welcome all new players regardless of experience as everyone is encouraged to have a go. We balance the teams as best we can before the season starts.
When is the registration day / pep rally (orientation) day / first game / photo day / soccer windup day?
Please see the full year's events and dates on the calendar on the Dates page (you can copy the dates direct to your Google Account) If you follow the Instagram or Facebook pages you'll get updates on these dates.
How do I register?
Download the Registration forms or apply online via the Home page. (These will not be visible if registrations have closed, please come back early in the new year to register for the new season!) If you want to pay in person or post, download and fill out a form and bring it to one of the Registration days at the College (be sure to remember your child's birth certificate or Passport), or register via our online form and pay via Bank Transfer (EFT). (Invoices issued after we receive copies of Birth Certificate/Passport photo page via email)
How much is it?
The most current fees are in the registration form, download it from the main page.
What's included in my fees?
We think our fees are very competitive and good value! You get a full uniform kit: shirt, shorts and socks that you can keep. You will also receive a team photo, participation award, and access to the Windup Day in September.
What do I need to buy?
You will need to buy your child shin-pads and soccer boots. We recommend Jim Kidd, Target, K-Mart or Rebel sports or similar. Whilst some coaches may let you do drills and exercises at training without shin-pads and boots, you will not be allowed to play a game at training, or participate on game days.
Do you play during School Holidays & Public Holiday weekends?
When do we get fixtures?
Once the season's fixtures have been finalised for the season, they will be sent onto your Team Manager. Weekly fixtures will be visible on the Fixtures page.
Can I withdraw my child and/or get a refund?
Yes, you can get a full refund prior to commencement of week 1, and partial refund afterwards (minus the cost for the uniform kit). You are unable to get any refund after game 5. Please download the CUSC Cancellation Form, fill it out, then scan/email it to soccer@carey.wa.edu.au for it to be processed.
Does my child have to be at Carey Baptist College school to join?
No! We take all players from surrounding areas, we have players from Thornlie Christian College, Harrisdale Senior High School, Harrisdale Primary School, Piara Waters Primary School, and many more!
Where do you play?
All our game days are Saturdays, run from May to September and are held at the Carey Baptist College, 51 Wright Road, Harrisdale WA 6112
Where do you train?
We also train at the Carey Baptist College.
What days you do you train?
We train once a week on either Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. Select your preferred/available days on the Registration Form.
What times do you train?
This is discussed and finalised by the parents and coach when you first meet your team on Pep Rally / Orientation Day. The Junior League is usually between 4 - 5:30pm, Senior League is between 5 - 6:30pm. Training is usually 30 minutes for Kindy / PP teams, and 1 hour for the rest.
What times are the games?
We have been currently trialing a staggered time system, whereby games in the Junior League are approximately 9:15am, 10:15am and 11:15am. The Senior League games are approximately 8:20am, 9:50am, 11:20am. Note these times vary year to year.
How long are the games?
Kindy/PP are 15min halves, Years 1-2 are 20mins, Years 3-4 are 25mins, Years 5-7 are 30mins, and Years 8-12 are 40mins. They all have a 5minute half-time break.
Can I drop and go at training and game days?
No! This isn't a drop and go service! You need to be at the grounds all the time. We don't expect you to sit on the sidelines in the rain, but you need to be on-hand should your child need you.
Speaking of rain, do you train and play in rain? What about thunderstorms?
Rain yes, thunderstorms no. Remember, Soccer is a winter sport! If there is a severe thunderstorm/chance of lightning we will cancel the game day due to safety concerns. Cancelling training is up to the Coach's discretion.
My child wears prescription glasses, is that a problem?
No it isn't, however they will need to have it securely attached via a strap around the back of the head for safety reasons.
What about jewellery?
This goes without saying, but just like EVERY sport out there: no jewellery is allowed to be worn on training or game days as this poses as a safety concern. Please remove all earrings, bangles, wedding rings, wristbands and watches. This not only applies to players, but to Junior Coaches and Referees too!
My young child is cold, can they wear a jumper?
You may wear an undershirt or long-sleeve shirt under your uniform. If you are wearing a hooded jumper, this needs to be tucked UNDER the uniform and not hang out. This is a safety issue.
Do we do slide tackles?
No matter how good your child may be at slide tackles, we do not allow them in any league in the club. You will be severely cautioned, or even possibly yellow or red carded.
Who is my Coach and Team Manager?
You can be! Your Coach and Team Manager are chosen on the Pep Rally / Orientation Day, they are parents who are able to help. Coaches don't need to be world-class professionals and Team Managers just need to be good with emails and bring the team box! Ask us for more info, or look at all the info on the Resources page. We also run free Coaches clinics before and during the season!
Can my other children register?
Yes, they certainly can! Make sure to fill out a separate form for each player, and you do receive a discount for each additional child (see the fees section in the form)
Will my children train on different days?
No, just make sure you have the same preferred training days ticked on the forms, and we will ensure they are on the same training day! (If you don't mind being on different days, please let us know!)
Can my child be on their friend's team?
We have tried to do this in previous years, but it just gets harder and harder for us when allocating teams. Your child will still see their friends before and after games, plus they will no doubt have other kids from their school in their team. Each year they will meet and make more friends, that they will never feel alone!
What colour is my child's uniform? Can it be a particular colour?
We do have a range of colours to keep the teams looking different from each other, but unfortunately these are randomly chosen each year.
When do we get uniforms?
They will be in the team box, which can be collected from the containers on the first or second available training session before the first game.
When do Coaches get their kits?
They can be collected from the first or second available training session from the containers at the school grounds (in between the Junior and Senior pitches)
Does the Club have policies and guidelines?
Yes, the Club has firm policies and guidelines in place. You may find them on the Resources page. Please read them carefully.
Do we use Yellow and Red cards?
Yes. The referees do have the power, when deemed necessary, to issue a yellow or red card due to player behaviour on the field. Please read the Yellow and Red Card document that outlines behaviour that will result in a card.
​How do I apply for Kidsport Vouchers?
KidSport enables eligible Western Australian children aged 5-18 years to participate in community sport and recreation by offering them financial assistance towards club fees.
KidSport applications are now available online if you hold a valid Health Care or Pensioner Concession card.
Visit https://www.dsr.wa.gov.au/funding/individuals/kidsport for more information on how to apply.
I have a question that's not on this page!
Wow, and we thought we covered a lot! Please use the contact form below, and we'll be in touch in due time!